FWA Program Pitfalls 1


In case you missed Integrity Advantage’s most recent webinar, 3 FWA Program Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them, here is a synopsis of the first challenge.

Pitfall #1 involves not reading the signs / symptoms of an unhealthy program.

This is the first pitfall because, let's face it, it’s easy to miss things when you're busy focusing on the day-to-day tasks that need to be completed in your SIU. But you must stay alert for symptoms that can lead to program malfunction.

What do you look for? Sometimes these signs are clear indicators that your program is in trouble, while sometimes they are harder to spot:

  • Lack of passion

  • Low morale

  • Complacency

  • Declining productivity

  • Sloppy work product

    Pay attention to these signs and address them early - this may help prevent larger issues, such as staff turnover or unfavorable audit findings.

    How do you maintain a healthy program? It's not so hard! Here are a few ways:

  • Create accountability and expectations for each staff member.

  • Develop clear processes.

  • Spend time building a strong culture.

Jala Attia